In this video I face off against a very strong Wrestler at a recent Extreme Grappling Open tournament.

The wrestler and I have competed against one another at a Brazilian Jiujitsu tournament 6 years previously. And he’s a super nice guy. And so there was a lot of mutual respect for one another.

Which is the way BJJ tournaments should be. Go after each other during the match and be respectful and cool after.

During the match I pulled Half Guard and worked my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu abilities to try and patiently wait for my opportunity to sweep the much larger opponent.

A lot of you have asked how to play against bigger stronger opponents. For me with my body type. Half Guard and Deep Half Guard variations are the best.

Since I can’t lock my guard around the person. I can lock my legs around their leg. Then find a way to work around them. If you’re body is similar to mine. Meaning average to short and stocky. I think Half Guard is worth a try in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu vs bigger people.

Once I swept and go on top of the big college wrestler. I took my time and played it safe. This was because I know at any point if I get too high. He can just chuck me off of him.

So while I was constantly hunting the submission. I was waiting for the right opportunity after he had tired down a little.

Hope you enjoy the Bjj match!