Should you train through your soreness in BJJ? Do you get experience soreness after BJJ training and you’d like to find a way to work around it?

One of the common mistakes I see people make, and I made for many years. Was not looking at rest as a valuable component to training. Instead of looking at everything holistically and as a whole. I looked at my BJJ training very one sided.

Basically. Go Go Go! Aggressive! All yang and no yin. My Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training was lopsided to one side. And I paid for it.

Towards my late twenties. I ran into a wall. I was constantly injured and felt absolutely terrible.

This led me to start resting more and taking a more active approach to my rest.

Now I look at my rest as a valuable component to my training. Stretching, yoga, mobility work and different methods of active recovery.

As I increased the ratio of the maintenance work I found that I trained more effectively on the mat.

In the video you’ll hear my response to Owen’s question which pertained to this very subject. He’s wanting to train more but feels super sore. As I share in the video. I don’t think you always need to train through your soreness.

If you’re preparing for a BJJ tournament or something. That’s different. But if you’re training Brazilian Jiujitsu for enjoyment. Be smart with you body.

Instead of always looking towards increasing your effort on the mat. Look to increase the effort you put towards your recovery off the mat.

I hope this video helps.