Can anyone be good at BJJ or is BJJ just not for some people? Is there something about Brazilian Jiu-jitsu that doesn’t mix well with some people.

In my eyes, aside from a serious medical condition. I believe anyone can be good at Brazilian Jiujitsu.

And btw, I know I said missing several limbs and there are plenty of people missing limbs who are solid BJJ practitioners.

I believe the people that Brazilian Jiu-jitsu in most cases frustrates people mentally. And at some point, they give up. Not because of any physical issue, but simply because it was tough and they became frustrated.

I’ve seen so many people lack physical gifts. Who just kept training, and eventually progress to the point where they were what I would consider “good” at jiujitsu.

So if you’re training BJJ and you feel like it might just not be for you. More than likely you’re just experiencing some frustration in the beginning which most of us experience.

Don’t let it get you down. Just stick with it and I can almost guarantee you that at some point. It will find it’s way and you’ll be surprised with how well you’re able to perform on the mats.

Hope the video helps! As always thanks for the questions.