What is BJJ Flow Rolling? Is it a good way to rep Brazilian Jiu-jitsu techniques?

Defining Flow Rolling is a tricky thing because people go about differently. I have a basic two part definition which is

– You’re rolling without any intention of winning the match.
– You’re rolling with no resistance while giving your partner a good look.

It’s an exchange of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu techniques.

Also, along with this, I go about rolling on a turn based system. Meaning, you go, then I go, then you go, then I go.

So if I catch a submission. I will get to the point where I know I have it secured and could finish it. Then I release and let my partner move. This allows a back and forth exchange of techniques.

For Spazzy white belts in BJJ. A couple of benefits for flow rolling is that it allows people to let go an over competitive nature. Because you’re rolling without the intent of winning. It allows someone to learn to roll at an easier pace at times and at the same time come to grips with not winning every time.

Another benefit is that it helps people learn the positions better because of the passive more calm nature of the training. During a full on rolling session in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. The environment is intense and isn’t forgiving. During a flow roll. Someone is in a much easier situation which allows them to make mistakes and tinker with the position which allows them to become more educated with the positions.

Flow rolling has a number of different benefits to more experience grapplers as well. I focused on BJJ White Belts in the video since the question was asked from a White Belt. Again, every stage of Brazilian Jiujitsu presents unique challenges and oppurtunities. The challenge for most White Belts is learning how to relax in training and be more technical.

So if you train Brazilian Jiu jitsu and you’re wondering what the heck Flow Rolling in BJJ is. I hope this video is helpful to you.

Also, thanks to Chris for the question!
