Do you ever get stuck in ruts with your training? Maybe a period in your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu where you’re physically there but mentally somethings just “off”?

If you’ve been training long enough I’m sure you’ve experienced this feeling.

And, as I ask in the video. What do you do to break out of this BJJ training rut?

In this video I share 3 ways I remotivate myself for BJJ training.

1. BJJ Competitions. Locking myself into a competition and knowing that I have a tournament or match coming up always reenergizes me. No matter how mentally off I might feel. Once I have a match coming up. I’m ready to get back at it.

2. Focusing on new moves. There’s a certain fun inherent in chasing BJJ techniques I’m not good with yet. So another way I remotivate myself is to pick some technique or position and make myself go after that area. This forces me to grow and improve.

3. And sometimes for me it’s as simple as having a conversation with myself and reminding myself how lucky I am to be in the gym training Brazilian Jiujitsu. I’ve been injured sitting on the shelf and I know what that feels like.

So I just remember that and get back to training.

Oh and sorry for the uncontrollable laughter. Sometimes I do that.

I hope this video is helpful to any of you guys who are struggling with mental sluggishness or just not feeling motivated.
