Category: Mental Training

From BJJ Mental Coach Gustavo Dantas:


The tenth mental mistake from the series “Top 10 Mental Mistakes BJJ Competitors make and how to avoid them” is UNDERESTIMATING MENTAL PREPARATION.

“Competition is 90% Mental and 10% Physical”. How many times have you heard statements like these from World Class Competitors, Sports Psychologists and Mental Coaches? However, the training regimes of Jiu-Jitsu competitors seem to reflect the opposite. A lot of athletes have the feeling that they need invest more time, money and effort in:

✔ Technical DVD’s

✔ Private Classes and Seminars

✔ Strength & Conditioning Programs

✔ Supplements & proper nutrition

These extra investments can absolutely help, but the reality is that good physical, technical and strategic training must be accompanied by good mental preparation, which is widely underestimated in sports and it’s not different in the Jiu-Jitsu community. Often times, athletes are hard workers with great discipline and perseverance, but have a hard time overcoming internal obstacles that prevent them from reaching their full potential and performing to best of their ability.

In this video I share the importance of Mental Skills Training and I will introduce you to my program “Inner Discovery for Outer Success.”

Check out the video, “like” and subscribe to The BJJ Mental Coach YouTube Channel. Also check and subscribe to my newsletter and blog updates.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at

Gustavo Dantas
The BJJ Mental Coach
“Bringing Innovation to Jiu-Jitsu”