Category: Mental Training

From BJJ Mental Coach Gustavo Dantas:


The ninth most common mental mistake Jiu-Jitsu competitors make is: “Bringing outside issues on the mat”

This is an extremely delicate topic, because it can involve personal things like family, relationship, financial, and/or professional issues.

Hopefully by video number nine, you have been accumulating knowledge, improving your self-awareness and learning tools and techniques to help you to become more emotionally mature to handle situations under pressure like tournaments and the unexpected “curve balls” that life throws at you in a more rational and efficient way.

Have you ever been in a situation in which you could not focus on your task because you kept thinking about a problem that you have been dealing with? As a result you were not able to perform to the best of your ability because your emotions took over and you couldn’t deliver.

You are not alone my friend, welcome to the club!

In this video I will share with you how to avoid this mental mistake of bringing outside issues on the mat.

Check out the video, “like” and subscribe to The BJJ Mental Coach YouTube Channel. Also check out and subscribe to my newsletter and blog updates.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at


Gustavo Dantas
The BJJ Mental Coach
“Bringing Innovation to Jiu-Jitsu”