Mental Training

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Easiest Way To Get Submission In Tournaments- Bernardo Faria

22.31K Views0 Comments

5x world champion Bernardo Faria has some great tips.

Coral Belt Carlos Machado On The secret To Jiu-Jitsu longevity

17.62K Views0 Comments

BJJ legend Carlos Machado offers excellent advice on best ways to train, and staying a long term student of Jiu-Jitsu. Carlos Machado is an ex world master's champion in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) born in Rio ...

2 Tips For Guard Players Who Can’t Hold Top Position – Nick Albin

15.68K Views0 Comments

Being on top during a roll and being unable to maintain the position is frustrating. It's something that many people who naturally favor the guard position experience.

Tips For Grappling After 30 – Nick Albin

10.80K Views0 Comments

Nick Albin found several ways to lessen the frequency of injuries and stay healthy on the mat

Andre Galvao: How To Improve in Jiu-Jitsu outside of the Gym

10.12K Views0 Comments

In this pro tip video Professor Andre Galvao shares some of his thoughts on how to improve in jiu jitsu faster outside of the gym.

Aleksandr Karelin On How He Mentally Prepares For Competition

10.04K Views0 Comments

Aleksandr Karelin, born September 19, 1967 in Novosibirsk, Russian SFSR is a Hero of the Russian Federation and was a dominant Greco-Roman wrestler for the Soviet Union and Russia. Universally considered the great...

Building a Basic BJJ Game Plan for Competitions

7.23K Views0 Comments

Making a basic BJJ Game Plan can be incredibly helpful for new competitors who aren't exactly sure how to go about their techniques. While a BJJ game plan rarely holds up exactly the way you intended. Like the old...

Rolling With Someone – Half Your Age and Twice As Strong

6.66K Views0 Comments

Rolling With Someone - Half Your Age and Twice As Strong...well this is just a fact of life for me...I'm a 150lbs and lightly framed. But that does not have to be the end of the story. As I discuss in this video, ther...

He Started BJJ 6 Months Ago And He Feels That He Is Not Getting Any Better

6.57K Views0 Comments

Question: As a white belt with only 6 months how do u progress more. Sometimes it just feels like I'm getting beat all the time and techniques don't happen the way I want. Other times things just click. But it seems r...

5 Tips for BJJ White Belts That Are Struggling

6.55K Views0 Comments

5 tips for BJJ White Belts.

How to Get To Next Belt Level – Nick Albin

6.48K Views0 Comments

s there a secret to getting belt in BJJ? Andrew Andrew sent in a question asking about tips on getting his Purple belt in BJJ. As I share in the video. I don't think there is any secret to getting a Belt in Br...

Josh Waitzkin on BJJ, Marcelo Garcia and the Ego

6.28K Views0 Comments

Josh Waitzkin on BJJ, Marcelo Garcia and the Ego. Josh Waitzkin is probably best known for becoming an International Master in chess at the age of 16. He is also an avid martial artist, achieving a black belt in Tai C...

Should You Still Train BJJ When You’re Really Tired?

6.14K Views0 Comments

I trained BJJ today despite being fresh off the plane, jet lagged and exhausted, so it seemed like a good day to tackle today's topic, namely whether you should train on those days when you're so tired you can't see s...

Should Beginners Focus on Gi or No GI BJJ (Is the GI Unrealistic)

6.08K Views0 Comments

Should beginners in Brazilian Jiujitsu focus on Gi or No Gi BJJ? This is the BJJ question I was asked recently from Wayne. Again, as always in my Chewy ramble videos. This is always my opinion and belief and is...

How Much You Should Rest After A Tough Week Of Training? – Bernardo Faria

5.81K Views0 Comments

How Much You Should Rest After A Tough Week Of Training?

Jiu-Jitsu for Small Guys & Winning Mindset for Competition: Felipe Costa (Brasa team black belt)

5.61K Views0 Comments

What happens if you're just no good at the thing you love? Felipe Costa loved jiu-jitsu, but his terrible results in competition would leave him demoralised and depressed. Instead of walking away he refused to quit, w...

One Sport Besides Wrestling To Help Your BJJ

5.08K Views0 Comments

Have you ever wondered what other sports out there could help with improving your BJJ game? I have realized that a sport that would benefit all in BJJ would be gymnastics. Building strength, body awareness, flexibili...

Marcelo Garcia: His Week Before A Tournament

5.02K Views0 Comments

Marcelo Garcia talks about his week before a tournament at the Five Grappling Super Seminar near Toronto with Xande Ribeiro and Renato Laranja.

What Can I do at Home to get Better in Jiu Jitsu

4.91K Views0 Comments

What Can I do at Home to get Better in Jiu Jitsu.

Mental Tip for BJJ Competitors over 30

4.60K Views0 Comments

Do your nerves get the best of you constantly when you compete? Check this video out then!

Lacking Motivation For BJJ Training?

4.21K Views0 Comments

Nick Albin: "The biggest thing that has helped me stay motivated for BJJ is to abandon the need motivation. Instead, just think of BJJ as something you do, rather than something you need to be motivated to do. I mean ...

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