Written by BJJ black belt Nick ‘Chewy’ Albin of chewjitsu.net


The other night after training I sat down with a few of the students and showed them a weird way to break the Kimura grip. I call it weird just because it’s not something I’ve been shown before and it’s stupid simple.

When I’m training BJJ and I’m working on my submission defense and escapes. I will allow my training partners to put me in bad spots so that I can work out of them.

This grip break is one of the defenses I’ve found to be useful for me in my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training and competition.

This grip break against the Kimura is definitely a catch all and cannot prevent any kimura that comes your way. But if you find yourself in the position where a person is trying to finish the Kimura but is unable to because you’re keeping the arm tight to the body.

This is when the technique comes into play.

If you’re watching this video and looking at the grip thinking to yourself, “no way is that working.” Just try it. When you goto BJJ training or you’re rolling. Just try it.

I hope this simple grip break is beneficial to you and your Brazilian Jiujitsu training.